Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Tips For Fighting Back When Cancer Strikes!

There is so much that people need to know about the topic of cancer that they just do not realize it. From providing moral support, while still giving someone their space to examining all available options and boosting morale, education is perhaps your best offensive weapon. Here are some tips you can use to assist in battling cancer. Talking with your children about cancer can be difficult. Base your method of discussion on your child's age and maturity level. For young children, often a storybook about cancer is the best method for describing the situation. For older children, openly discussing the diagnosis while being honest and reassuring is typically the best method. Know the moles on your body. It would not hurt to occasionally take a photo of the moles that you have, so you will be able to track their growth. If you have a mole that is growing or changing colors, you must go to have your doctor check it for you immediately. Trust your doctor, but don't be afraid to get a second opinion. If your doctor recommends a course of treatment that you're not comfortable with, you can ask to see a different physician for an alternative. This doesn't mean that you think your doctor is wrong, it simply means that you'd like to explore all of your options. However, if you agree to a course of treatment, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions.
TIP! If you have beaten cancer, it is still important that you regularly see your doctor for checkups. Even it may be gone now, certain cancers can come back or they can begin in other parts of the body.
Beware that acne is a common side effect of chemotherapy. Many people do not realize this and chalk their acne up to hormones. There are many over-the-counter acne treatments that are effective for you skin. If your acne is very bad, your doctor may be able to prescribe a stronger medication. Cancer patients have to deal with many discomforts while being treated for their disease. One irritating side effect of chemotherapy is mouth sores or sore, irritated throat caused by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. One natural way to soothe these painful sores is to drink aloe vera juice. This can be found at any health food store. Eating a lot of red meat or processed meat, such as bacon and lunchmeats, pose a greater risk for colo-rectal cancer. This risk may be associated with the fat, salt, iron and nitrites in these types of meats. Try to cut down on red meat and try healthier alternatives like turkey, chicken and fish.
TIP! Know all the symptoms of the cancer that you have been diagnosed with. This will allow you to talk better to your doctor, and let them know if you have something going on that is a side effect of the medication you may be taking, or that has to do with something else entirely.
Know your individual risks for cancer, including your age, gender, race, and family history. These things could give you more information than you think, especially when you begin showing symptoms that otherwise could be misdiagnosed. If you are aware of an increased risk of cancer, you can target your issues appropriately with a health care professional. Protect your eyes from the sun! Be sure that the sunglasses that you buy are UV resistant. If you just buy any pair and do not check, the sun may not seem as bright but it is still doing the damage to the skin around your eyes and your eyes themselves. Simple moral support can help someone with cancer is indescribable ways. Something like a simple "I love you" said to someone can have a lasting positive effect that helps people to heal and grow. Emotions play a big role in the fight against cancer, and reminding someone of your love for them is good for everyone involved.
TIP! Limit the amount of red meats, and especially processed meats, in your diet. A healthy diet is linked to reduced risks of cancer.
Find reliable sources for cancer information. General Internet searches can turn up a mix of reliable and unreliable cancer information, which can be difficult to wade through and figure out what to believe. For accurate, reliable information visit your hospital's resource center or library. Also visit websites of reputable hospitals and government agencies. Issues of cancer journals are also a good source of up-to-date information. If someone you love is suffering from cancer, you should help him or her to get his or her mind off of it as often as possible. Take them to do something they love and be fully invested in it even if it is not something that you enjoy doing. It can be a difficult road to travel but if they know they are supported, fighting cancer may be a bit easier for them. If you are going to the doctor or the hospital for any type of cancer screenings or consultations, always take a friend along with you. When you hear the word cancer, your brain is likely to freeze up and you may miss everything else that is said after that. It is important to have someone along with you to help remind you of the explanations and instructions you received.
TIP! If you have cancer, insurers will hesitate to insure you. Research your insurance options though.
Someone with cancer is going to want and need their time alone, so you have to know when to back off and to give a person some space. Having pride is important to everyone and sometimes, people do not want you to see them so vulnerable. Respect their request for privacy or you might be pushed away completely. A great tip that can help prevent you from getting cancer is to eat a lot of different vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants that will keep your body healthy and functioning well. Your chances of getting cancer will be significantly lowered by eating a variety of vegetables. Eating blueberries on a regular basis just might help in your fight against cancer. Some evidence exists which shows that blueberries have a positive effect on colon cancer in laboratory rats. Your goal should be to consume about a cup and a half daily. If that's too much any amount will provide some benefit.
TIP! Wear a strong SPF protection sunscreen every day. This can help to reduce your risk of skin cancer.
A great way to cope with a cancer diagnosis is to keep an open dialogue with everyone in your life. Make sure you have a doctor you re comfortable with, so you can ask clarifying questions without feeling intimidated. Bring family members along so they will understand what is going on, and you can later talk openly about the appointment. Experts tell us we constantly have cancer cells in our bodies. These don't develop into cancer disease if we have a healthy immune system that eliminates these cells from our gut and our bloodstream. Keep your liver healthy, eat lots of cruciferous vegetables (which help the liver dump contaminants) and those cancer cells will not get a chance to run amok. Try limiting fat in your diet. By decreasing the amount of fat, you will lower your cancer risk. Avoid frying, especially deep frying. There are alternatives to frying such as baking, roasting, broiling, and steaming. Try to buy the low or non fat versions of your favorite foods, like milk and yogurt.
TIP! Take the time to look into insurance options. If you are employed, you may be afraid to leave your job because you need the insurance.
You must quit smoking. Whether you have been diagnosed with cancer or you haven't yet been, smoking has to cease. This rule isn't just for your lungs, it is for all parts of your body. Smoking is very harmful and contains carcinogenic chemicals which are detrimental to your body. Stop smoking! In order to reduce the risk of getting cancer, follow this tip. Stain and grease proofing chemicals, such as the ones found in scotch guard and food packaging, contains many unhealthy carcinogens. These carcinogens are passed to food items when contact is made and enter the body through digestion. They also enter the skin when it touches scotch guarded fabric. Avoid these products at all costs. In order to beat cancer it is important for you to stay strong and to never give up on yourself. You have to be willing to put up a fight against the cancer and not just let it win. Fighting to beat cancer means that you are emotionally strong and believe you will beat it.
TIP! If you are 50 and older, then this is an important tip that you should not ignore. Anyone 50 and older should get a colon screening.
As you are trying to beat this deadly disease, there is so much turmoil in your life and you may need some advice on how to go about it. Using the right tips to help prevent, treat and ultimately, beat cancer will ensure that you are always doing what is necessary to come out on top. Don't forget to use what you've read here to help you get started.

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